Kathryn Clark wins the Grand Prix of Denver
read her amazing story here

Coventry Farms offers a wide variety of services for the riding enthusiast
including english riding lessons for all levels of riders, showing both locally and
nation wide, and an extensive breeding program.
English riding lessons are available for the beginner rider all the way through
to the rider that wants to participate in Grand Prix show jumping.
Our lesson program welcomes children and adults of all ages and abilities. Everyone is welcome at our farm!
We pride ourselves in the wide variety of riding opportunities we
are able to provide our clients while still maintaining a price that
is affordable.
In order to further support our students who are taking english riding lessons, we also participate
at many shows including local schooling shows, local Colorado Hunter
Jumper Association, (CHJA), shows, nation wide United States Equestrian Federation, (USEF), rated
shows, as well as international shows in North America.